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Atharv Kulkarni

:About Me:

I am a coder/programmer/debugger so you can describe me as "sometimes boring sometimes cool" guy...

  • Also Currently I'am exploring ✨Data-Science✨
  • I'am working Towards Data Science...get it?🫂
  • I'am also trying to learn ML concepts, my main goal is to become an ML engineer/scientist.👨‍💻
  • I post various articles on statistics (which I'am currently studying)📬
  • If you read this and think "this guy is me" then please get a life, my life sucks🙂
  • I like to sing, listen to music, play games with friends (sometimes). Also I believe in NFS Underground 2 supremacy ;)

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    :Currently Reading:

    Deep Learning (Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning series) by Aaron Courville (Author), Ian Goodfellow (Author), Yoshua Bengio (Author)

    Free Web Version of the book

    Naked Statistics – Stripping the Dread from the Data Paperback by Charles Wheelan (Author)

    Some stuff I deployed👻

    Look at this Random Quote Generator!
    Random Quote Generator✍️

    You guys into Crypto???
    Search a Crypto💹

    That Weather over there is just insane!!!
    Look at the weather☁️

    :Medium posts:

    :Github Profile:

    :Some Twitter Posts: